
This survey is intended to collect input from community organizations, parents, school staff, program partners, and the general public on the Farm to School Programs.  It should take 10-15 minutes to complete.

You are a stakeholder if these programs matter to you. You do not need to have participated in a program to complete this survey and give your opinion. 

The Farm to School Programs consists of three main activities: education workshops for students in grades K-6, local food club for parents and families, and a family food class for families.  You will be asked questions on each program in separate sections, each beginning with a brief introduction to the program. For more detailed program information, please visit the Headwaters Food & Farming Alliance website at 

Please complete all questions you feel comfortable answering.  When reporting on the findings, any identifying information will be removed and your responses will be anonymous.

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You are free to skip any question or to stop the survey at any time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact an HFFA Program Coordinator at Phone Nicole at 416-884-8696 or Jennifer at 519-925-1851.

Thank you for your participation. Your feedback is invaluable.