Several factors have contributed to the recent establishment of a Building Assessment Committee by our pastor, Finance Council and Pastoral Council:
  • St. Ann’s current parish hall facility is in need of some updates -- cosmetic, technological, etc.
  • Half of the parish hall was built over fifty years ago; the other half over twenty-five years ago
  • An anonymous parishioner has pledged some significant seed monies for the project
We need your thoughts as to how we can best utilize our resources and meet the facility needs of the St. Ann’s parish family for the near and distant future (10, 20, 30+) years.  Thank you for your participation in this survey!

Question Title

* Please rank the following items that you feel are most needed if we decide to renovate, expand, or build a new Parish Life Center (our current parish hall/classrooms/offices).:

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Extremely Important N/A
A designated, bigger space for Youth Ministry
Additional classroom/meeting spaces
Connected to the church under one roof via covered walkway, corridor or other design
Bigger parish hall for large events
Larger and better organized kitchen
Two separate halls – one for more formal events and one for more informal events e.g., play, athletic
Outside aesthetic improvements e.g., prayer grotto, cook area, gathering spaces, parking areas
More fellowship areas e.g., coffee and refreshment area, bookstore/gift shop area, lounge area, information center
Community outreach space e.g., food pantry, thrift store, etc.

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* From above, please rank your idea of "must haves" in order of importance. The most important item will be ranked number 1 and so on.

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* How important are improvements to our current parish center that you would be able/willing to donate to a construction/capital improvement fund in the next five years beyond your normal tithing?

Question Title

* Please provide any additional comments about our parish facilities: