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* 1. I know the mission and philosophy of my school.

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* 2. My principal and teachers talk to me about the mission and philosophy of our school.

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* 3. I go to Mass at school.

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* 4. I pray in my classroom everyday.

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* 5. There is a prayer corner in my classroom.

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* 6. At school, there are special times to celebrate our faith such as, adoration, Stations of the Cross, Rosary, celebration of the lives of saints, and pet blessing.

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* 7. I attend Mass on the weekends with my family.

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* 8. I study religion every school day.

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* 9. I have a religion textbook for my studies.

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* 10. My parents teach me about God.

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* 11. I have opportunities to participate in service activities at my school.

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* 12. In my classroom, I learn how my service can help others.

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* 13. My principal creates a community of faith that is welcoming, caring, and prayerful.

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* 14. My teacher shares his/her love for Jesus with me.

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* 15. At school, I learn new things, and my teacher(s) help(s) me to learn.