7% of survey complete.
You are being invited to participate in a study entitled “The use of Natural Health Products in the Elderly” that is being conducted by Dr. Dalya Abdulla. Dr. Abdulla is from the Faculty of Applied Health and Community Studies at the Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning in Oakville, Ontario, and is collaborating with the Sheridan Elder Research Center (SERC) to conduct this study. You may contact Dr. Abdulla by calling (905) 459-7533 ext 5298.

The purpose of this research project is to determine the pattern of natural health product usage among older Canadian adults. It is important to understand natural health product usage patterns among older adults to aid health care professionals in personalizing healthcare and preventing unintentional medication errors.

If you are a resident of Ontario, Canada over the age of 55, we invite you to complete this questionnaire. This survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. All potentially identifying information will remain completely confidential, and will be accessed only by Dr. Abdulla or by a member of the research team at SERC. You may choose to stop completion of the questionnaire at any time.

It is anticipated that the results of this study will be shared either as a peer-reviewed publication or presented in a conference. In addition, reports will be provided to participants through the older adult community centers that participated in the research.