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* 1. Are you a resident of Springbrook?

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* 2. Is your place of employment located within Springbrook?

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* 3. Which area of Springbrook do you live or work in?

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* 4. Does your property back on to the green space/park space behind Tamarack Blvd?

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* 5. Should Red Deer County consider removing or replacing the chain link fencing currently around park space/greenspaces within Springbrook?

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* 6. If you chose no to the above question, please indicate your reasoning as to why the fencing should not be removed or replaced.

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* 7. Are you currently a user of the park space/greenspaces behind Tamarack Blvd?

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* 8. If yes, what type of activities are you doing within this park space/greenspace?

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* 9. What recreation opportunities in the greenspace area would you like to see that are currently not provided?

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* 10. Do you have a name suggestion for the walking paths located south of Airport Drive?

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* 11. Do you own a dog?

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* 12. Would you like to see a designated and fenced off-leash dog park within Springbrook?

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* 13. If you answered yes to the off-leash dog park question above, would there be any specific features you would like to see in the park?