1. Welcome to our Staff Performance Management Survey

Spice HR’s Staff Performance Management Flavour Indicator is designed to give us a quick snapshot of Staff Performance Management in your business. It is simple to complete and should take you no more than 5 minutes.

As always when completing surveys of this kind, remember to be honest. Don't think too much about your answers - give the answer that first comes to mind.

Once completed we will review your answers, do some initial analysis and then provide you with a complimentary report outlining your Staff Performance Management status. Now go for it!

Question Title

1. Your Details:

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2. Do your Position Descriptions include:

  Yes Sometimes No Don't know No Position Descriptions Not applicable
Key Tasks and Responsibilities
Key Performance Indicators
Key Skills
Scope and Limits of Authority

Question Title

3. Is there a process in place to ensure that an annual formal performance review or appraisal is conducted for each staff member?

Question Title

4. Does your appraisal system include:

  Yes No Kind of Don't know Not applicable
Review of Employee's Performance
Direct Feedback
Training and Development Plan

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5. How often do employees meet with their managers to discuss their performance in relation to targets?

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6. Are your employees meeting expectations in terms of their performance?

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7. Where not all expectations are being met, do you believe the cause is mostly:

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8. Do you believe the agreed goals or expectations for your staff are:

  Yes No Kind of Don't know Not applicable

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9. Is poor performance dealt with quickly and effectively in your business?

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10. If you were required to manage an incident of misconduct or serious misconduct, do you and/or the managers who would manage the incident:

  Yes No Kind of Don't know
Have clear processes in place
Understand the legal requirements
100% of survey complete.