Thank you for filling out this survey to tell us about your interests and ideas.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your level of interest in the following topics:

  Interested in learning Interested in organizing/sharing Interested in participating on a project team
Alternative transportation
Conserving energy in your home
Conserving water in your home/garden
Getting to know your neighbors
Getting to know neighborhood businesses & organizations
Health & wellness
Neighborhood cleanup
Neighborhood history and heritage
Supporting neighbors in need
Supporting pollinators and wildlife
Sustainability activities for kids/families
Urban Agriculture

Question Title

* 2. Are there any other topics or projects (that fall under the five Program Goal Areas of Energy, Air, Water, Land and People) that you would like to see addressed?

Question Title

* 3. Do you speak Spanish? If so, would you be interested in volunteering with our team to assist with translation services, written or at events? If yes, please leave a note here and add your contact information on the next question.

Question Title

* 4. Please provide your email address and/or phone number to hear about future events and projects.

If you have questions or recommendations, please contact us at