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50% of survey complete.
Venture Southland and TRC Tourism are currently developing a Cycling Strategy that will provide direction for the further development and management of all forms of cycling across the region.

You can provide input / ‘have your say’ by completing the community survey by Sunday 1 May

To be completed by those over 16
Please tick all applicable

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* 1. Age

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. We would like to know what type of cycling you undertake and how often? 

  Daily Weekly Monthly Once or twice in last year
Road riding – for training
Road riding – for recreation
Road riding – for transport (work, school, around town)
Mountain bike riding – on local trails
Recreational riding on local cycle trails
Track cycling - Velodrome
NZ Cycle Trail - Central Otago
NZ Cycle Trail - Queenstown Trail
NZ Cycle Trail  - Around The Mountains Cycle Trail

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* 4. Who do you most often ride with?

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* 5. How do you find out about trails?

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* 6. If you have indicated that you are a road rider, please list what you believe to be the two best road rides in Southland?

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* 7. If you have indicated that you are a mountain bike rider, please list what you believe to be the two best mountain bike experiences in Southland?

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* 8. Please indicate on a scale of 1-5 the extent to which you agree with the following statements

  1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Neutral 4 Agree 5 Strongly agree
We have enough trails in Southland for mountain bike riders
We have enough cycling tracks in Southland for recreational riders
We have enough cycling tracks in Southland for families
The roads are safe for cycling outside of our towns and cities
The roads are safe for cycling in our towns and cities
Cycling is a good investment for councils
We see benefits in the community from investment in cycling
Cycling in Southland is safe
Cycling is a viable form of transport
We should connect all our towns and townships with cycling tracks
Shared use of tracks by walkers and cyclists is important
It is not a good idea to combine cycle and pedestrian trails
Our trails in Southland are all good quality

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* 9. What facilities in addition to safe trails, lanes, or paths are needed? (e.g. adequate bike storage and secure parking, etc...)

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* 10. Please list any improvements you would like to see made for cycling in Southland (e.g. commuter, mountain biking, competitive and recreational cycling)

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* 11. Any other comments