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Southern Downs needs your help! Help Council inform our Water Security Strategy with a few questions about you and your family's water use.

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* 1. Which town do you live in, or is closest to where you live?

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* 2. How many people live in your home?

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* 3. How is water supplied to your property (primary source)?

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* 4. Do you have any secondary supply?

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* 5. If you have rainwater tanks, please provide details. (i.e. How many, Approx. Size).

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* 6. Do you have a swimming pool? If yes, what is your water source?

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* 7. Do you extract water from local waterways / water sources (e.g. river/ creek/  dam/ bores) for watering gardens, crops or watering livestock/ horses?

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* 8. Do you conserve water in your household? 

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* 9. In the last six months, have you seen or heard any information about water from the following sources? (choose as many as apply)

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