State of the Performance Marketing Industry Survey 2025 Section 1: Getting to know you Question Title * 1. In which of the following industries are you active in? (Check all that apply) Auto Insurance Education Final Expense Banking & other Fin. Services Health Insurance U65/ ACA Home Improvement/Remodeling Home Security Home Services (Roofing/ Plumbing/ Siding/ Windows, HVAC, etc.) Life Insurance Medicare O65 Mortgage Debt/ Personal Loans/ Credit Repair Primary Care Providers Solar Tax Debt/ Credit Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Which of the following best describes your role or business? Lead buyer (brands/ agencies) Lead seller (publishers) Question Title * 3. Do you currently work with PX as a partner? Yes No Question Title * 4. Which of the following best characterizes your point of view on the current state of the performance marketing industry? I am excited and optimistic I see several good things happening in our industry I'm neutral I’m disappointed, we could do better I’m frustrated, we still face many of the same challenges Question Title * 5. “I am well-connected in the third-party lead generation industry” Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 6. “Investing in compliance, verification, and fraud technologies is critical to my success.” Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 7. Before it was vacated, how was the FCC’s 1:1 consent rule impacting your business operations? Significant negative impact Somewhat negative impact No impact Somewhat positive impact Significant positive impact Question Title * 8. Do you believe the industry as a whole is ready for future regulatory changes regarding 1:1 consent and consumer data protection? Yes No I'm not sure 20% of survey complete. Next