Somerville Superintendent Search Survey

The Somerville School Committee is currently seeking a Superintendent of Schools. Community input will play a valuable role in this process. Please provide your input below. Your feedback will be incorporated with comments received in community focus groups and will help us build a profile for the next Superintendent of Schools.

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* 1. Which of the following best describes your relationship with the Somerville Public Schools?  apply. If more than one applies, select one from which you will respond to the following questions.

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* 2. How long has your relationship with the Somerville Public Schools Existed?

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* 3. It is important to assess the  most important personal characteristics, knowledge, attributes and core values that the next Somerville superintendent should possess. Please select up to five (5) that you think are most important.

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* 4. It is important to assess the most important skills and background experiences the next Somerville Superintendent of Schools should possess. Select up to five (5) that you think are the most important.

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* 5. What are the strengths or points of pride of the Somerville Public Schools that you believe should be preserved?

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* 6. What are the three (3) most important issues that you believe the next Superintendent of Schools must address in the first year in the position?

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* 7. Please provide any additional comments including your hopes for the future of Somerville or characteristics which are not addressed above, that inform the profile of the Somerville Public Schools.