Event & Organization

Thank you for being a part of Social Connections! This survey is meant to get your opinion on the event, the location and the sessions so that we can take this information to improve future events.
All results are anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. How do you rate:

  Excellent Good Nuetral Could be better Disappointing
The online registration process
The Social Connections website
The pre-event information regarding location & agenda
The checkin process on the day itself
The event welcome pack you received at checkin
The catering
The IBM location
The speed sponsoring session
The overall organization of the event
The length of the sessions (30 min)
The Gala reception

Question Title

* 2. If you selected "Could be better" or "Disappointing" what should we do better next time to improve it?

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate whether you...

  Absolutely Probably Perhaps No
.....would you consider attending another Social Connections event in Europe?
........would you recommend Social Connections to your colleagues?
..........would consider submitting a session for a future Social Connections event?
.............would you consider sponsoring a future event?