The provincial government recently struck a Small Business Task Force to gather input from small-business owners throughout the province during June to inform their policy recommendations to the provincial government on ways to further strengthen the small-business sector. 

The Burnaby Board of Trade will be engaging with the Task Force and advocating for what our members think is important. Your input is very important and will directly feed into our response and engagement with this task force.

If you have any questions, please contact BBOT policy manager Cory Redekop at

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* 1. If you would like, please share your contact information in case we'd like to discuss with you further.

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* 2. How many full-time employees currently work for your organization?

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* 3. How would you best describe the industry/sector your business is in?

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* 4. How much of a challenge are the following items for your business?

  1- Not a Challenge 2 3 4 5 - Very Challenging
Cost of doing business (real estate, minimum wage, machinery/equipment, etc)
Taxes (small business tax rate, payroll taxes, property taxes, etc)
Marketing/Finding Customers 
Access to Financing/Loans

Question Title

* 5. Do you have any suggestions on what government can do to address the challenges of the costs of doing business (ex: real estate, minimum wage, equipment, machinery, etc)?

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* 6. Do you have any suggestions on what government can do to address the challenges of taxes (ex: payroll taxes, corporate taxes, tax credits, etc)

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* 7. Do you have any suggestions on what government can do to address the challenges of labour and hiring (ex: access to labour, apprenticeships, training and hiring)?

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* 8. What should be the highest priority/most importance thing the provincial government does to support small business success?

  1- Low Priority/Importance 2 3 4 5 - High Priority/Importance
Improve access to capital and financing 
Improve access to skilled labour
Reduce the administrative and regulatory burden
Improve affordability/cost of doing business/cost of living
Building export and trade relationships
Hiring/training/managing employees
Reducing overall or specific tax burden
Supporting small businesses in government purchasing
Increase government support/grants/funding for small businesses

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* 9. Do you have any other suggestions, ideas or feedback the Burnaby Board of Trade should take to government?