About the Project

The Sixties Scoop was a period that took place mainly during the 1960s and continued into the 1980s, in which a series of federal and provincial policies were passed that enabled child welfare authorities to take First Nation children from their families and communities for placement in foster and adoptive homes. In many cases, the “scooped” children were adopted by non-Indigenous families, away from their communities.

Similar to the residential and day school systems, the Sixties Scoop was another method used by colonial governments intent on removing First Nation children from their families, with the goal of getting rid of First Nations cultures, languages, traditions, and identities.

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) is conducting this survey to better understand how we can support Sixties Scoop Survivors, intergenerational Survivors, and their family members.

This survey has 10-15 questions. It should take about 15 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary. SCO is not collecting any identifying information as part of this survey. All responses are confidential. If survey results are published, your responses will be combined with the responses of others so that you cannot be identified.

By completing this survey, you can also enter a draw to win a prize.

If you have any questions, please contact the Pathways to Healing Program, at: pathwayshealing@scoinc.mb.ca.


This survey contains questions or topics that could be upsetting or triggering to some participants. Your well-being is important to us. If you find that taking part in this survey brings up difficult emotions or experiences, support is available.

Emotional and mental health counselling and crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the Hope for Wellness Hotline at 1-855-242-3310 or online at www.hopeforwellness.ca. Counselling is available in English, French, Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut on request.

Please remember that participation in this survey is voluntary. You may choose to skip any questions or discontinue participation at any time.