Internal Comms Survey Questions

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* 1. How impactful do you feel internal communications are in building a strong company culture?

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* 2. Do you feel your company does a good job communicating internally to employees?

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* 3. Do you feel your company leverages the right outlets to best communicate with its employees?

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* 4. Does your company leverage digital screens throughout your office for internal communications?

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* 5. Does your company offer a mobile application to deliver internal communications directly to your mobile device?

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* 6. How would you rate the effectiveness and quality of your company’s internal communications content?

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* 7. Do you feel your company’s internal communications help clearly explain your company’s direction, goals, and strategies?

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* 8. Do you feel your company does a good job communicating about employee recognition?

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* 9. Do you feel your company’s internal communications do a good job keeping employees motivated and engaged at work?

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* 10. Do you feel your company’s internal communications properly keeps you aware of company events and activities?

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* 11. Do you feel your company’s internal communications help bring you closer to your peers and the overall workforce?

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* 12. Do you feel your company does a good job planning what types of content to use for internal communications?