Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts.

Tell us about your experience attending The Signature Event or tell us why you didn't attend. This data will help us with future planning.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts. If you have any additional questions or comments you'd like to share, please email the events team at Thanks!

Question Title

* 1. Which campus are you from?

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* 2. Please indicate how you are affiliated with the school?

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* 3. If you did not attend, what prevented you from attending this year? You can put "NA" in the box if you did attend.

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* 4. What did you like about the event? You can place "NA" in the box if you did not attend.

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* 5. Were there any program areas during the evening that could be improved upon?  You can place "NA" in the box if you did not attend.

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* 6. Would you consider attending next year?

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* 7. Did you feel that you received enough communication about the event prior to May 5th?

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* 8. What would you like to see offered next year for the Signature Event?

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* 9. Are you interested in being on the planning committee?

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* 10. Any additional questions or comments?