Thank you for facilitating a JECC Shoresh program on behalf of families with young Jewish children. This form serves as your PROGRAMMATIC EVALUATION, a document which must be submitted before we can offer you reimbursement. If you were granted more than one Shoresh Grant, you must fill out a separate evaluation on each.

Our Early Childhood Steering Committee has asked for an evaluative process that will not only inform the community about the impact of these grants, but to offer important information to the host institution (that's you!) when developing future programmatic opportunities.

Note that once you start the process, you will need to complete the form - Survey Monkey will allow you to go backwards to change responses on previous pages, but once the webpage is closed, you cannot return again to the same document. However, if you are prevented from completing the evaluation, you may start a new Survey Monkey document, ANSWERING the identifying information (organizational name, your name) but SKIPPING the questions answered previously and only responding to the others. We will merge your responses together prior to analysis.

We appreciate your time in completing this evaluation and look forward to reading your responses.

If you have questions, be in touch with 

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your ORGANIZATION or SYNAGOGUE?

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* 2. What is the NAME OF THE PROGRAM(S) or EVENT(S) provided with a Shoresh Grant?

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* 3. What is your NAME? [The person filling out this evaluation form.]

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* 4. Did you COLLABORATE with any other organization/institution in planning/implementing this program?

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* 6. On which DATES did the event(s) or program(s) actually take place?

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* 7. How would you best describe the FOCUS of this program? (Check all that apply)

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* 8. What actually OCCURRED IN THIS PROGRAM? In a couple of paragraphs, please provide a brief description of the content, activities and major outcomes.

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* 9. HOW MANY PEOPLE did your program(s) or event(s) touch? For this question count individuals, not total attendance. For example, if you had 4 sessions and 45 DIFFERENT participants came overall, use the number 45 for the total participants, even if all 45 didn't come to every session. Please enter 0 if there was not anyone who attended in a given category (e.g., if no child 5 or younger came.)

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* 10. In what ways did this program support your organization's CURRENT EDUCATIONAL DIRECTION and/or VISION?

The Shoresh Grants were created by the JECC's Early Childhood Steering Committee to address FOUR GOALS that were developed through the 2010 Opening the Gateway study.
1. To identify and engage Cleveland’s MARGINALLY AFFILIATED AND UNDER-INVOLVED families with young Jewish children.
2. To help these families find CONNECTION POINTS to the Jewish community and with Judaism.
3. To increase the VARIETY of Jewish social, educational and engagement opportunities for families with young Jewish children.
4. To encourage early childhood sites and their host institutions to develop a rich understanding of themselves as GATEWAY INSTITUTIONS to Jewish community involvement.

In this next section, we ask you to consider how your program might have helped support these goals.

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* 11. Did your program successfully support Goal 1: identifying and engaging MARGINALLY and UNDER-INVOLVED families? (Please note, if a family is currently participating in a different synagogue or preschool from your organization, they cannot be considered as marginally/under-involved for the purposes of this question)

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* 12. Did your program successfully support Goal 2: helping families find CONNECTION POINTS to the Jewish community and to Judaism?

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* 13. The Jewish community considers Jewish early childhood programming as a way to open the gate to other Jewish life choices for the family (early childhood programs, day school, camp, religious school, etc.) In what ways, if any, might this Shoresh program have enhanced your institution as a GATEWAY for families with young Jewish children (Goal 4)?

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* 14. If you were to do this program again, what IMPROVEMENTS would you make?

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* 15. What did you learn from this program (guiding principles, programmatic structures, marketing strategies, etc) that would help others in the community BETTER ENGAGE FAMILIES with young Jewish children?