A four year Community Strategic Plan for our community

You wouldn’t head off on a trip without knowing where to go just like you wouldn’t run a shire without a plan.
Our Community Strategic Plan is the roadmap for our shire and guides everything we do.  It explains what we all want for the future and how we can work together to get there.
Help us make sure Gunnedah Shire is heading in the right direction by being part of the conversation.
So far we have gone through 22 plans. Over 1500 responses were submitted by you, the community, in relation to 6 different surveys and engagements over the past 2 years.
We believe that we have a good idea of what we should be working on but we would like you to help us to understand what we need to focus on to build our "Roadmap for Tomorrow"  - a four year Community Strategic Plan for our community.

Please complete this quick survey to help your Council to understand what we need to focus on in the next four years.

Question Title

* What is the one most important thing that Council should focus on in the next four years?

Question Title

* Your contact information