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Your AUPE Bargaining Committee needs to know and understand the issues that are important to you for the upcoming round of collective bargaining. We will focus on the key membership concerns identified in this survey.  All questions are optional, but please complete as much of the survey as possible.  Your input is vital and will give us the information we need to engage the Employer at the table and negotiate a fair collective agreement.  As you are answering the questions, please think about what your top three priorities are (What matters most to you?) for this round as you will be asked that question towards the end of the survey.  You will be given an opportunity at the end of the survey to tell the bargaining committee anything you would like us to know that we didn’t specifically ask.

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* 1. Demographics -

What is your employment status?

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* 2. Please indicate which location you work out of:

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* 3. How many year(s) have you been working for Shepherd’s Care Foundation? Please select from the list below.

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* 5. Please indicate your age group.

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* 6. Compensation -

Typically, the Shepherd’s Care Collective Agreements have followed the wage increases provided by Alberta Health Services Auxiliary Nursing Care (ANC) and General Support Services (GSS). ANC recently reached a collective agreement with the following wage increases.

April 1, 2020 – 0%
October 1, 2021 – 1%
September 1, 2022 – 1.25%
April 1, 2023 – 2%
For the year of 2021, 1% Lump Sum payment for all hours worked

Do you agree this is an acceptable wage increase?

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* 7. If you are required to pay Professional Licensing Fees, are you satisfied with the amount your Employer pays for those fees? (skip to the next question if you are not required to be licensed to do your job)

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* 8. Are changes needed to the current Preceptor and Apprenticeship Trainer Premium?

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* 9. Are changes needed to the current RRSP program?

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* 10. Benefits -

Are changes needed to the current Flexible Health Benefit Spending Account? (currently $800/year)

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* 11. Are you currently enrolled in the Employer’s group benefit plan?

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* 12. Overall, I would rate the Employer’s group benefit plan offered to members as:

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* 13. Are changes needed to the current Employer group benefit plan (dental, extended health, prescription drugs, etc)?

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* 14. Should changes to your core benefit plan translate into additional costs to you, how much more would you be willing to pay per month in order to improve your core benefit plan?

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* 15. Time Off -

Please describe any concerns you have with the following:

If you have no concerns with a particular leave, please leave the box blank.

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* 16. Hours of Work and Scheduling -

In the comment box below:

Question Title

* 17. Job Security/Layoffs -

Are you concerned about your job security (ie, that you will be laid-off in the next 2 to 3 years)?

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* 18. Pandemic -

Are there any workplace concerns that arose during the Pandemic that you would like your bargaining committee to be aware of?

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* 19. Staffing and Workloads - A)

How often do you work overtime (whether or not you seek payment for it) because of your day-to-day workload (even when your shift is “fully-staffed”)?

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* 20. Staffing and Workloads - B)

How often do you work overtime (whether or not you seek payment for it) because of short-staffing (when the Employer does not fill staff absences or does not fill vacancies)?

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* 21. Do you submit for payment of Overtime?

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* 22.  Are you satisfied with the current Overtime provisions?

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* 23. Does your workplace experience difficulties in retaining employees?

If yes, please explain why (if you are aware of the reasons).

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* 24. Do you have any suggestions to resolve the short-staffing issues in your workplace?

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* 25. Part-time, Temporary and Casual Employees -

Please describe any concerns you have specific to your status as Part-time, Temporary or Casual.

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* 26. Priorities -

In order of most important to least important, what are your top three priorities for this round of bargaining?

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Do you have any other issues, comments or concerns that are important to you, important to your workplace, and important to the work you do?

Please return the completed survey by:

June 30, 2022 @ 4:30 p.m.

If you have questions or comments please contact a bargaining committee member at the following:

Chris Measures
Fay Zwack
Dorothy Bacon

Herbert Lat
Bernadette Espiritu
Jane Muthomi

Kensington Village
Annabelle Lee
Christina Nuidaal
Mary Jean Lehune

Anastacio Ongjiangco
Michaele Bacho

Millwoods and Southside Manor
Betty Barayuga
Loida Pardinas
Myrafe Abao

Millwoods Manor
Donna Sirski
Mariah Monro
Marilyn Tubera

Negotiator – Kate Robinson
0 of 27 answered