ShaleTech North America™ 2017 Call for Papers

As many of of you are busy during the holiday season and we want to ensure that everyone that is interested in submitting has an opportunity to do so we have decided to extend the deadline in accepting submissions. The link will remain open during the holidays and up until the final deadline below.
NEW Deadline to submit: Friday, January 13, 2017

Please contact Dusan Krnjaja with any questions you may have.

ShaleTech North America™ 2017 Executive Committee is pleased to invite you to submit presentation proposals. Abstracts are currently being accepted for consideration within the categories listed below. Submissions not fitting into this list, but relevant to the general topic of shale technology, are also welcome and will be given full consideration for inclusion in the program.

All abstracts and presentations must be submitted in English. Presentations are not to be purely commercial and should be informative using case studies, field tests and/or pilot results.

Please Note: If you are selected to present in the final technical program all speakers will be required to pay the discounted speaker rate of $195.00 USD. The speaker fee includes the opportunity to present and a full two day delegate pass that will allow you access to both the business and technical programs.

Technical Focus Areas:


Formation evaluation (LWD/MWD)
Petrophysical evaluation (core, geochemical analysis)


Horizontal drilling
Pad drilling
Rotary steerable applications
Shale-specific drilling fluids
Shale-specific drill bits
Shale-specific OCTG advances


Multi-stage fracing
Fracture diagnostics
Microseismic monitoring
Frac fluids
Reduced emission completions
Vapor recovery


Production enhancement
Production monitoring
Gas migration


Water sourcing
Frac water recycling
Produced water


HSE management
Community relations
Land management
Footprint reduction



Gas Processing
Transportation and logistics

Speakers will receive confirmation of the acceptance of their submission by the end of January 2017. Speakers' completed PowerPoint presentation and accompanying material are required to be submitted by March 24, 2017.

Question Title


Question Title


Question Title


Question Title

* 4. Please Type or Paste your Presentation Abstract (max. 300 words)

Question Title

* 6. Are you Interested in Participating in the Poster Session?

Question Title

* 7. Please Type or Paste your Professional Biography (max. 300 words in paragraph format)

Please note that as part of the peer review process, all authors are required to submit a Temporary Transfer of Copyright form with their abstract submission. Please note this is only required for your presentation abstract at this time.DMG Events appreciates your willingness to contribute your paper to DMG for peer review consideration in a DMG event. I hereby transfer the copyright and attendant privileges to DMG Events, during the review process. I understand that such transfer entitles me to the rights as stated in the information.


DMG Events’ policy is to safeguard contributed works by obtaining temporary copyright on papers submitted for peer review. This process allows dissemination of the information by DMG Events for review purposes while maximizing your protection against infringement by third parties. Under terms of Canadian copyright law, DMG Events must obtain a written, signed transfer of copyright from the original owner of the work. The author is assumed to be the owner unless the work was done within the scope of the author’s employment, in which case, the employer is the owner.

Under the terms of this agreement, DMG Events will distribute the work only for review purposes. If DMG Events’ Technical Committee determines that the work does not meet its peer review standards, full copyright will revert to the original owner. Should the work be approved by DMG Events Technical Committee, the author(s) or employer will be asked to sign a permanent Copyright Form before the work will be considered for publication or distribution by DMG Events.


During the term of this agreement, the author retains the rights listed below.
1. The nonexclusive right to make an oral presentation of the same or similar material.
2. The work is original and is not copied from other works.
3. The author is the owner of the work and has not transferred ownership of any part of it to any other person or organization.
4. If the work was done in the scope of the author’s employment, the author has the employer’s explicit permission to transfer copyright or the employer’s agent has signed. If claiming Government Exemption, the author warrants to DMG Events that the work is original and not copied from any other published work(s).
5. The work does not contain any unauthorized trade-secret disclosures.
6. This paper will not be submitted for review or publication elsewhere while under review by DMG Events.