LOCATE your incoming water service line, usually located in the basement, crawl space or utility closet near your hot water heater.
Service lines will primarily be made of metal or plastic. If your service line is NOT obviously plastic, you may need to use the scratch and magnet tests below to identify the type of metal.
IDENTIFY your metallic water service line with the scratch and magnet tests:
Scratch and Magnet Tests:
    1. Scratch the service line with a screw driver, key or coin where your
        service line enters your home or crawl space
    2. Place a magnet in contact with your service line
Lead: Shiny when scratched and a magnet will NOT stick
Galvanized Steel: Dull color when scratched and a magnet WILL stick
Copper: Bronze in color when scratched and a magnet will NOT stick

Question Title

* 1. Who is your water service provider?

Question Title

* 2. Customer Information

Question Title

* 3. What year was your home built?

Question Title

* 4. I have located my service line; it is:

Question Title

* 5. My metal service line is:

Question Title

* 6. If you are unsure what type of metal your line is, please answer the following questions after doing the scratch and magnet tests.

If metallic, what is the color of the pipe when scratched?

Question Title

* 7. If metallic, will a magnet stick to the pipe?