A brief survey capturing the experiences and thoughts of Tasmanians attending Seniors Week events in 2018.

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* 1. Event name

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* 2. Event location

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* 3. How did you hear about Seniors Week?

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* 4. Where do you live? (town/suburb)

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* 5. Tick the range that includes your age

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* 6. 6. What is your gender?

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* 7. Where did you get your Seniors Week event program? (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 8. Have you participated in Seniors Week activities before?

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* 9. How many events will you attend this year?

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* 10. Are you participating in a new activity you have not engaged with before?

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* 11. Over the year, how regularly do you participate in similar activities? (Please tick ONE only)

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* 12. Are you attending Seniors Weeks activities as: (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 13. How did you hear about the event(s) you attended? (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 14. How did you travel to Seniors Week events? (Tick as a many as appropriate)

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* 15. What type of activities would you like to participate in next year? (Tick as many as appropriate)

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* 16. What did you enjoy most about this year's Senior Week?

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* 17. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about Seniors Week: the official program, current or future events, organisation, transport?