Exit Senior Serving Seniors 2024 Question Title * 1. Which municipality do you live in? Victoria Esquimalt Saanich Oak Bay View Royal Colwood Langford Metchosin Sooke Central Saanich North Saanich Sidney Other Question Title * 2. What is your age group? Under 55 56-65 66-75 76-85 86 and better Question Title * 3. What is your gender? Male Female Other Gender Question Title * 4. Please tell us more about where you live? I live independently and by myself in my own home or condo/apartment (rented or owned) I live independently with a spouse, family members, or room mates in my own home or condo/apartment (rented or owned) I live in a supported community residence such as a co-op or seniors housing I live in a residence and access some or occasional support and care services I live in a residence and access significant and regular support and care services Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Have you ever heard of, or used, any of the following services offered by Seniors Serving Seniors? Seniors' Services Directory - Blue Book of 500 local resources Return to Health Program - for people leaving hospital Seniors Link - Referral Services Seniors in Stitches - Volunteer Knitting Program Question Title * 6. How do you prefer to communicate with a senior serving organization? In person Via Email or Telephone Via Zoom or another online video platform Artificial Intelligence Assistant on a computer or tablet Via a centralized call centre or website (e.g. BC211) Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 7. Which of the following services do you currently use, or might you use in the next year? Please pick all that apply. Personal Care: support with bathing, dressing, meal preparation Home Support: support with laundry, home cleaning, garden and maintenance Moving or Sorting: support with packing, clearing out, moving, recycling or selling Transportation: Support learning how to get somewhere or support to get to a destination Communications and Problem Solving: Support dealing with a service provider, bank, or business Social Engagement: Access to people, social activities, group outings Learning and Growth: Opportunities to learn new things or participate in new activities Health Care Navigation and Sourcing: Support finding a service or program None of the Above Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. How does your ability to pay the cost of a service factor into your decision to use that service? e.g home cleaning A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Question Title * 9. Health and Wellbeing: Please tell us how satisfied you are with the following items: The range of health services available to you in your community The delivery of health and support services is coordinated and simple Health and social services are conveniently located Very satisfied Very satisfied The range of health services available to you in your community Very satisfied The delivery of health and support services is coordinated and simple Very satisfied Health and social services are conveniently located Satisfied Satisfied The range of health services available to you in your community Satisfied The delivery of health and support services is coordinated and simple Satisfied Health and social services are conveniently located Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied The range of health services available to you in your community Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied The delivery of health and support services is coordinated and simple Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Health and social services are conveniently located Dissatisfied Dissatisfied The range of health services available to you in your community Dissatisfied The delivery of health and support services is coordinated and simple Dissatisfied Health and social services are conveniently located Very dissatisfied Very dissatisfied The range of health services available to you in your community Very dissatisfied The delivery of health and support services is coordinated and simple Very dissatisfied Health and social services are conveniently located Comments Question Title * 10. Housing and Transportation: Please tell us how you feel about the following items: The range of affordable housing options available to you in your community Transportation options are adequate for your needs Transportation options are affordable Very satisfied Very satisfied The range of affordable housing options available to you in your community Very satisfied Transportation options are adequate for your needs Very satisfied Transportation options are affordable Satisfied Satisfied The range of affordable housing options available to you in your community Satisfied Transportation options are adequate for your needs Satisfied Transportation options are affordable Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied The range of affordable housing options available to you in your community Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Transportation options are adequate for your needs Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Transportation options are affordable Dissatisfied Dissatisfied The range of affordable housing options available to you in your community Dissatisfied Transportation options are adequate for your needs Dissatisfied Transportation options are affordable Very dissatisfied Very dissatisfied The range of affordable housing options available to you in your community Very dissatisfied Transportation options are adequate for your needs Very dissatisfied Transportation options are affordable Comments Question Title * 11. Social Activities: Please tell us how you feel about the following items: There are enough social activities available to you in your community These activities are accessible and affordable? The social activities that are available meet your interests and goals Very satisfied Very satisfied There are enough social activities available to you in your community Very satisfied These activities are accessible and affordable? Very satisfied The social activities that are available meet your interests and goals Satisfied Satisfied There are enough social activities available to you in your community Satisfied These activities are accessible and affordable? Satisfied The social activities that are available meet your interests and goals Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied There are enough social activities available to you in your community Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied These activities are accessible and affordable? Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied The social activities that are available meet your interests and goals Dissatisfied Dissatisfied There are enough social activities available to you in your community Dissatisfied These activities are accessible and affordable? Dissatisfied The social activities that are available meet your interests and goals Very dissatisfied Very dissatisfied There are enough social activities available to you in your community Very dissatisfied These activities are accessible and affordable? Very dissatisfied The social activities that are available meet your interests and goals Comments Question Title * 12. Support Services: Please tell us how you feel about the following items: There are enough support services available to you in your community Support services are accessible and affordable The services and amenities available to seniors in your community meet your needs and goals Very satisfied Very satisfied There are enough support services available to you in your community Very satisfied Support services are accessible and affordable Very satisfied The services and amenities available to seniors in your community meet your needs and goals Satisfied Satisfied There are enough support services available to you in your community Satisfied Support services are accessible and affordable Satisfied The services and amenities available to seniors in your community meet your needs and goals Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied There are enough support services available to you in your community Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Support services are accessible and affordable Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied The services and amenities available to seniors in your community meet your needs and goals Dissatisfied Dissatisfied There are enough support services available to you in your community Dissatisfied Support services are accessible and affordable Dissatisfied The services and amenities available to seniors in your community meet your needs and goals Very dissatisfied Very dissatisfied There are enough support services available to you in your community Very dissatisfied Support services are accessible and affordable Very dissatisfied The services and amenities available to seniors in your community meet your needs and goals Comments Question Title * 13. Financial Support Services and Fraud Prevention: Please tell us how you feel about the following items: Financial assistance programs available to me in my community Fraud and scammer protection services available to me in my community Information about ways I can protect and enhance my financial security Very satisfied Very satisfied Financial assistance programs available to me in my community Very satisfied Fraud and scammer protection services available to me in my community Very satisfied Information about ways I can protect and enhance my financial security Satisfied Satisfied Financial assistance programs available to me in my community Satisfied Fraud and scammer protection services available to me in my community Satisfied Information about ways I can protect and enhance my financial security Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Financial assistance programs available to me in my community Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fraud and scammer protection services available to me in my community Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Information about ways I can protect and enhance my financial security Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Financial assistance programs available to me in my community Dissatisfied Fraud and scammer protection services available to me in my community Dissatisfied Information about ways I can protect and enhance my financial security Very dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Financial assistance programs available to me in my community Very dissatisfied Fraud and scammer protection services available to me in my community Very dissatisfied Information about ways I can protect and enhance my financial security Comments Question Title * 14. Please share more about any challenges or obstacles so that we can explore options and better meet specific needs. Alternatively, please share more about systems or services that are working well? Done