Brought to you by Engineering Management Institute

Presenter - Anthony Fasano, PE

Question Title

* 1. The program learning objectives were stated clearly and concisely.

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* 2. This program met my expectations.

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* 3. I am confident that I could accomplish these learning objectives:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
a. Learn how to identify burnout;
b. Learn techniques to manage your physical, mental, and emotional well-being when you are busy; and;
c. Learn how to prioritize activities at work and at home, to get the most out of life.

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* 4. The program content was current and relevant.

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* 5. The presenter helped me understand the content.

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* 6. The audio and visual materials were effective.

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* 7. In the box below, please offer any feedback you can on this webinar whether it be positive or constructive feedback. All feedback is important to us in improving the program.

Question Title

* 8. List at least one takeaway from this session that you plan to use.

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* 9. Attendee Information (This is required to get your PDH)

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* 10. Do you need a Professional Development Hour (PDH)?

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* 11. Did you attend the live webinar or watch it on-demand?