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Suggest a topic for SfN's scientific training program

SfN’s Neuroscience Training Committee is seeking suggestions from the field for topics and organizers for scientific short courses and virtual conferences.

Short courses provide an in-person venue to train scientists in emerging topics and research techniques in neuroscience. They are full-day, in-person courses held the Friday before each SfN annual meeting that consist of lectures and small-group discussion sessions, led by expert faculty. Virtual conferences are live, online events held quarterly on Neuronline and can introduce an audience to a new topic or showcase cutting-edge research in a specific area of neuroscience. Virtual conference sessions remain available on-demand for a limited time and can include related digital resources and online conversations on Neuronline.

The SfN community is encouraged to identify topics for short courses and/or virtual conferences, as well as neuroscientists from diverse backgrounds who could partner with SfN to organize these events and share their expertise.

If you have any questions, please contact

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* 1. What is your proposed topic for a short course and/or virtual conference?

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* 2. Please briefly explain why this topic is timely and would be of interest to the wider SfN membership

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* 3. Who would you recommend as organizer(s) of an event on this topic?

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* 4. Who are some experts or other speakers you would like to see participate in this event?

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* 5. Which format would serve this topic best?

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