This application is for consideration in receiving a scholarship of up to $1,500 for the Hera Labs Launch or Scale Intensive.
Upon receiving the scholarship, the payment of the remainder of the intensive cost is required.
Flexible payment plans are available.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide basic information about you & your business/startup:

Question Title

* 2. Why should you be considered for a scholarship (up to $1,500)? 

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* 3. What is your household's approximate combined annual income?

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* 4. Describe the biggest risk you have ever taken, the outcome, and what you learned in the process.

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* 5. If you were referred to Hera Labs by someone, please tell us their name!

Thank you for filling out the Launch/Scale Intensive Scholarship Application.
Decisions are made on a rolling basis by a selection committee of 3 innovation/small business advocates.
We will get back to you shortly.
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