Schnell School Site Council Parent Survey

This survey is conducted annually to collect information from parents about school effectiveness, safety and parent satisfaction. Please respond to each statement based on your overall experience with your child's school. If you have no opinion or information about a statement, please select "Not Sure/Not Applicable." A composite of the survey results will be shared with the School Site Council (SSC), but individual responses will be anonymous. The SSC will use the results of this survey to recommend school improvements at each site. Your feedback is important to us, so please take a moment to share your thoughts. Please submit your response by May 12, 2017. After you have completed all of the questions, please select "Next" at the end of the survey so that you can print out a confirmation page for your child to give to his/her teacher for a reward. Thank you.

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1. What grade is (are) your child(ren) in? (Please check all that apply)

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2. My child's school encourages me to be an active partner with the school in educating my child.

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3. Our school facility is clean and well maintained.

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4. My child's school allows and welcomes parents' contributions.

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5. The principal at our school is accessible and approachable with my concerns.

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6. My child's accomplishments and successes are recognized at school.

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7. Does your child participate in Before or After school academic support programs such as Early Birds, ASES, Power Hour, Boys and Girls Club, or Math Tutoring?

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8. If you answered yes, to #7, do you feel your child has benefited from these Before or Afterschool programs?

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9. For 3rd-8th Grade Only:
My child has participated in an extra-curricular activity, such as sports teams.

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10. My child has participated in school activities, such as clubs, spirit days, etc.

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11. I am comfortable with the level of communication from our school through newsletters, fliers, website, marquee, meetings, Parent Link phone calls, etc.

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12. I attend parent conferences.

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13. The school rules, expectations and regulations are clear, understood and posted throughout the school (handbook distributed).

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14. The consequences of violating school rules are fair and known to all.

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15. The consequences of violating school rules are applied consistently to all.

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16. I feel all staff members enforce the school rules.

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17. The school is well protected from potential crime or vandalism.

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18. My child feels safe at school.

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19. When safety issues arise, there is good communication among the staff, students and parents when resolving them.

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20. At this school, the staff encourages the respect for all cultures.

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21. The staff shows respect, consideration and sensitivity to students and parents.

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22. The check-in procedures for visitors/volunteers are enforced during school hours.

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23. The library offers appropriate resources and materials available to meet my child's educational needs.

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24. School office staff are helpful to students and parents.

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25. I receive a response within 24 hours when I leave a phone message or email for the office.

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26. I receive a response within 24 hours when I leave a phone message or email for a teacher.

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27. I have a computer with Internet access at home that my child can use for school assignments.

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28. My child has adequate access to technology at school.

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29. Sierra and Markham Only: For 4th-8th grade students, I check my child's AERIES ABI account regularly to monitor academic progress (grades and assignments).

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30. The amount of homework and class work my child receives is appropriate.

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31. My child is receiving appropriate instruction and is challenged in his/her class.

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32. My child receives the necessary help they need in school.

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33. My child's teacher knows my child's strengths and weaknesses.

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34. The Accelerated Reader (AR) Program has been beneficial to the development of my child's reading skills.

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35. My child's school provides quality counseling or other ways to help students with social or emotional needs.

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36. Schnell Only: As a parent, I use Renaissance Home Connection to monitor my child's Accelerated Reader (AR) progress.

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37. Markham Only: If a late bus was available, my child would participate in afterschool programs (sports, clubs, academic support).

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