Scanner Price Accuracy Code
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Statement of Intent
Canadian retailers are dedicated to accurate scanner pricing to avoid poor customer relations and legal issues. Many are implementing procedures to ensure this accuracy.
The Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code (“the Code”) was developed by the Retail Council of Canada (RCC), the Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada, and the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers (CFIG). These groups include national, regional, and local retailers of general merchandise, pharmaceuticals, and food products.
Given the diversity of the Canadian retail environment, a widely applicable voluntary code is advisable. The Code, endorsed by the Competition Bureau, applies to all scanned UPC, barcoded, and PLU merchandise, except for items not easily accessible to the public (e.g., prescription drugs, behind-the-counter cosmetics) and government-regulated items. Products must match the shelf tag description to be eligible.
The Code aims to:
- Demonstrate retailer commitment to scanner price accuracy.
- Provide a consistent national framework for addressing scanner price accuracy issues.
- Offer a mechanism for consumer redress, managed by an industry committee.
Participating Retailer's Responsibility
If a scanned item without any pricing attached scans higher than the shelf price, the customer is entitled to receive that first item free up to a $10 maximum. If the item is more than $10, the customer is entitled to $10 off the lowest advertised price. The code does not apply to items priced by weight or to expired sale dates, provided the regular price is shown on the label or signage. The product must match the corresponding shelf price label to qualify.
If a scanned item without any pricing attached scans higher than the shelf price, the customer is entitled to receive that first item free up to a $10 maximum. If the item is more than $10, the customer is entitled to $10 off the lowest advertised price. The code does not apply to items priced by weight or to expired sale dates, provided the regular price is shown on the label or signage. The product must match the corresponding shelf price label to qualify.
A retailer adopting the Code must abide by the policies outlined on the Scanner Price Accuracy Policy page