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* Company Information

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* If there is more than one site (branches) requiring certification please list the addresses below:

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* Number of employees (more or less) per site:

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* Number of Job Functions per site:

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* Number of shifts per site:

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* The Core Business of the Company (just a short description of what the company does/ a scope of supply):

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* Outsourced Processes (Please list all outsourced processes as well as supplier names):

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* Management Representative/ Contact Person

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* Please select the standards you require certification for:

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* Do you have a fully documented Management System for the standard(s) you are applying for?

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* Did a consultant assist you with the implementation?

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* If yes, please name the consultant (As well and any other consultants that have assisted with any ISO standards within the last 2 years).

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* Do you use any supporting software to manage your system or cloud storage services? If yes, please specify.

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* Is your system available electronically? e.g via a link or Dropbox

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* For ISO/IEC 27001 do you have a completed Statement of Applicability?

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* Estimated date you are looking for certification?

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* Is your organisation certified with any other certification body?

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* If yes, please state the name of the certification body: