
Dear Resident of San Leandro,

The City is conducting a study about the San Leandro FLEX Shuttle and transportation options for older adults, adults with disabilities, to evaluate transportation needs and develop a strategy to provide quality, efficient services.

Your responses to the following questions will help us identify challenges and some improvements to the San Leandro FLEX Service.

Will you please take about 5 minutes to share your input? The information you provide is strictly confidential.

Please complete this survey only once. Thank you for your time.

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* 1. On a typical day, how do you usually get around town?

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* 2. Do you need any of the following kinds of assistance when you travel locally? (Please check all that apply)

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* 3. Please indicate the three (3) San Leandro destinations on this list that you visit most frequently.

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* 4. Are there locations in San Leandro you would like to go, but are unable to get to due to lack of transportation?