Exit Safety Heroes Electrical Safety Week 2023 Teacher Feedback Form We’re eager to receive your feedback on our Safety Heroes educational program and Electrical Safety Week 4-8 September 2023 as it helps us continually develop the program to meet your needs.The first 100 schools to return the feedback form will receive a free gift.Questions marked (*) require an answer. Question Title * 1. Teacher Name Question Title * 2. Teacher Position Question Title * 3. Teacher email Question Title * 4. School Question Title * 5. Total number of students at school Question Title * 6. Electricity distributor: Ergon Energy Network Energex Question Title * 7. Did you run Electrical Safety Week activities at your school? Yes - Whole school Yes - Some classes No If no, please specify Question Title * 8. How many students from each year group participated in Electrical Safety Week?Please check the boxes where applicable. Prep 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 students 0 students Prep 0 students 1 0 students 2 0 students 3 0 students 4 0 students 5 0 students 6 1-20 students 1-20 students Prep 1-20 students 1 1-20 students 2 1-20 students 3 1-20 students 4 1-20 students 5 1-20 students 6 21-50 students 21-50 students Prep 21-50 students 1 21-50 students 2 21-50 students 3 21-50 students 4 21-50 students 5 21-50 students 6 50+ 50+ Prep 50+ 1 50+ 2 50+ 3 50+ 4 50+ 5 50+ 6 Question Title * 9. How satisfied is your school with the overall Safety Heroes program? Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied Why did you give that score? Question Title * 10. Did you use the following Electrical Safety Week materials in your resource pack? Lesson booklet for P-6 Hand balls Simple circuit kit Safety message posters Safety message stickers Safety fact sheets No, please specify Question Title * 11. Did you access any of the following resources from the Ergon or Energex website prior to Electrical Safety Week? Lesson booklet for P-6 Year 6 Electricity & Safety lesson book Year 6 Electricity & Safety interactive whiteboard lessons Social stories booklet Safety message posters Merit certificate Safety fact sheets Scratch coding project for Years 3 & 4 No, please specify Question Title * 12. How satisfied are you that the program addresses outcomes in the Health and Physical Education P-6 Syllabus? Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Please specify Question Title * 13. Does the program complement the school's scope and progression for Science? Yes No Please specify Question Title * 14. Were the teaching and learning sequences easy to understand? Yes No Please specify Question Title * 15. Did you have everything you needed to teach the Electrical Safety Week program? Yes No If no, please specify Question Title * 16. Will you participate in Electrical Safety Week again? Yes Not sure No If no, please specify Question Title * 17. How satisfied are you that the Electrical Safety Week activities influence students to be safer around electricity? Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Verydissatisfied Extremelydissatisfied Extremely satisfied Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Verydissatisfied Extremelydissatisfied Comments Question Title * 18. Please provide any examples where the program has positively impacted the behaviour of student/s around electricity Question Title * 19. Did you use the NEW Scratch coding project in class or in code club? Yes - we used it in class. Yes - we used it in our code club. Yes - we used it in both our code club and class. Not yet No, don't plan on it Please provide any feedback you have about the NEW scratch coding project? Question Title * 20. What year levels are you implementing coding in and what programs are you using? Question Title * 21. To what extent does your school use e-Learning platforms? (e.g. Edmodo, Matific) Whole school Some classes Not at all Question Title * 22. Would you be interested in delivering electricity safety lessons via an e-Learning platform that provides data about student progress? Yes No Question Title * 23. Please feel free to provide us with further feedback Done