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The Lakewood Sustainability Division has a Safer and Sustainable At Home Virtual Workshop Series open to all Lakewood residents, and we need your help with future workshop ideas!

This survey is intended to let us know what topics we should cover in the virtual series and help us to identify any residents interested in helping with a workshop - whether that's presenting, introducing a guest speaker, helping plan the content or being involved in another way.

This survey will only take a few minutes to complete, so please take a moment to let us know what you think! You can email us at with any questions.

Question Title

* 1. Please select the topics you'd be interested in learning about through the workshop series.

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* 2. Are you interested in helping the Sustainability Division coordinate a workshop? This could include a range of things such as helping plan, helping publicize, helping identify a speaker or facilitating. If yes, please identify the workshop topic(s) you're interested in helping with.

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* 3. Are you interested in presenting a workshop topic? If so, which topics would you like to present on?

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* 4. Please enter your contact information below.

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