I am willing to take part in a research study for the iDREAMS project, a study of middle grades students and game design. In this survey I will be asked about my experiences with designing games or simulations on computers. This survey will take place in my school and should take no more than 45 minutes. 

I do not have to be in this study if I don’t want to and I can quit the study any time I want. If I don’t like a question, I don’t have to answer it and, if I ask, my answers will not be used in the study. Nothing bad will happen to me if I decide that I don’t want to participate. 

Other than the researchers, no one will know my answers, including teachers or other students. If I have questions about the study I can ask Andri Ioannidou at (303) 530-1773 or Alex Repenning at (303) 492-1349.

Question Title

* 1. If you agree to participate, please put your initials in the box below. Include your first and last initials. For example if your name is Jane Smith, type JS.