Consent to participate & Eligibility

Question Title

This survey is a part of a study is to identify significant experiences that affect student's attitudes to computers. Approximately 35 Georgia Tech students near graduation will participate in this study, from a variety of difference parts of Georgia Tech.

If you decide to be in this study, you will read 4 sample biography excerpts about experiences with computers. Then you will write your own "computer autobiography" about your experience with computers. The whole process should take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Your participation is entirely voluntary and you may stop at any time. If you complete the survey and compose a original well-written biography of approximately 400 words and answer a few questions you will be given a code that can be printed out and redeemed for a $10 Starbucks gift certificate at TSRB (Technology Square Research Building). If you decide to stop writing your biography early, you may submit a partially completed biography to receive a code that can be redeemed for a Gift Card of a prorated amount.

Responses to this survey are anonymous. All information collected will be kept private to the extent allowed by law. Any potentially identifying information that might identify you will not appear when results of this study are published or presented. Your anonymized responses may appear in papers. Your anonymized responses may also be used as samples excerpts for later students taking this survey.

The Georgia Institute of Technology Institutional Review Board will review the study to ensure that this research is being conducted with institution regulations. If you have an questions about your rights as a volunteer, call or write:

Melanie Clark
Office of Research Compliance
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0420

Any questions about the research can be directed to :

Mark Guzdial
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332
(404) 894 5618

By completing this survey you agree to participate in the study described.

Question Title

To participate in this survey you must meet certain requirements:
  • You must be at a computer terminal that can print or otherwise store the Starbucks gift card claim code you will receive on completion of this survey.
  • You must be an undergraduate Georgia Tech student who expects to graduate in the next year.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age.
  • You must not be an employee of Georgia Tech
  • You must be able to present your gift card claim code in person at the TSRB during regular business hours