Nominate Your Facility and Staff for a 2017 OR Excellence Award

If you work with a team of surgical all-stars, it’s time to boast about their contributions to your facility’s success by nominating them for an OR Excellence Award. To enter, choose the category (or categories) where your facility excels and share as much detail as possible about how you go above and beyond in that area(s). We’ll determine the winning facilities in each category and feature them in our September issue. We'll then host the 7 winners at OR Excellence this October at Red Rock Casino in Las Vegas, where they'll be recognized and celebrated at an awards luncheon. Good luck!

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* 1. Financial Management. Have a smart way to cut staffing costs, optimize point-of-service collections, save on supplies or otherwise maximize profits? Share your strategies here.

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* 2. Going Green. Do you reprocess single-use devices? Has your facility recently gone paper-free or adopted an inventive recycling program? Do you repurpose blue wrap? Explain the many ways you’re limiting waste and being a good environmental steward.

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* 3. Pain Control. If your anesthesia providers are multimodal masters, share how they keep your patients comfortable after surgery and discharged on time, while utilizing opioids in a responsible manner.

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* 4. Patient Safety. From holding true-to-life safety drills to using effective checklists to enhancing pre-op time outs, we want to hear about all the creative and effective ways you protect those in your care.

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* 5. Patient Satisfaction. Thank-you cards, perioperative warming and PONV prevention are just a few ways to make sure patients have the best possible experience at your facility. How do you ensure that patients won't hesitate to recommend your facility to friends and family?

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* 6. SSI Prevention. Share how prepping protocols, instrument reprocessing practices and environmental cleaning policies play a part in lowering the risk of infection at your facility.

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* 7. Staff Safety. From safety sharps and smoke evacuators to ergonomically friendly devices and bullying prevention, tell us everything you're doing to protect your team from harm.

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* 8. Please fill out the following information.