Please take this short 5 minute survey to win free tickets or merch. We value your feedback.

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* 1. Was this your first time attending a Whim W'Him performance?

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* 2. Was this your first time attending a January production of Whim W'Him?

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* 3. How was your overall experience?

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* 4. What suggestions do you have for improving your experience?

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* 5. What three words describe how the performance made you feel?

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* 6. Select the three (3) most important reasons why you attended the performance.

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* 7. Based on your experience, how likely are you to see a Whim W'Him performance again?

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* 8. What would increase your likelihood of coming back?

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* 9. Would you recommend Whim W'Him to a friend or colleague?

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* 10. How did you hear about the performance? (Select all that apply)

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* 11. What advertisements did you see for this Whim W'Him production? (select all that apply)

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* 12. How often do you attend performing arts events in Seattle?

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* 13. How knowledgeable about dance do you consider yourself to be?

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* 14. Any other thoughts or comments you would like to share about the performance, your experience or about Whim W'Him in general? We'd love to hear from you!

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* 15. Please enter your name and email and you'll be entered to win free tickets to Whim W'Him's next production or a whimsical gift! (Leave blank if you wish to remain anonymous)