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Welcome to your support plan!

Your plan will include important personal and safety information about you and your working environment. Your plan will be made available to support workers as you bring them onto a shift.

Please include as much detailed information as possible so that your workers will be well prepared to provide you with the best possible support. If you do not want to include too much detail, that's okay too!

If you would like assistance filling out this support plan, please contact Luke David at or on 0424 160 174.

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* 1. Are you the person receiving care or support?

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* 3. Contact details of the person receiving support services:

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* 4. Interests / Hobbies / Loves

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* 5. First Language

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* 6. Second Language (Optional)

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* 7. Cultural Background Details (Optional)

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* 8. Religion Details (Optional)

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* 9. On average, how much one-on-one support do you need each week?

We understand that support needs will be different every day or week. There are no upfront fees, obligations or lock-in terms with Support Your Way, and you can book as few or as many hours of support as you like.

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* 10. What support areas are you looking for?

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* 11. Do you require support or assistance with mobility?

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* 12. Do you require support or assistance with information (cognitive) processing?

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* 13. Do you require support or assistance with communication?

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* 14. Are there any behaviours that your support worker should be aware of?

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* 15. Do you require personal care during a shift?

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* 16. Do you require any mealtime assistance?

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* 17. Do you have any personal goals that you would like to share with your support worker?

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* 18. In addition to the above, are there any specific tasks and duties that will be required of your support worker?

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* 19. Do you have a gender preference for who supports you?

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* 20. Are you at risk of choking, seizures or anaphylaxis?

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* 21. Do you have any other allergies?

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* 22. Will your support workers be required to administer medication?

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* 23. Please detail any other considerations or instructions you would like to share with your support worker, which could include phobias or specific conditions.

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* 24. Is your home difficult to locate?

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* 25. Is parking available for your support worker?

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* 26. Are any gates or doorways difficult to use or access?

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* 27. At night, is the house entrance hard to find?

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* 28. Are there any slip, trip or falling hazards outside your home?

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* 29. Is your home wheelchair accessible?

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* 30. Are there any slip, trip or falling hazards inside your home?

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* 31. Will your support worker be required to use any electrical appliances?

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* 32. Is there anything your support worker need to know about your pets?

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* 33. In case of an emergency in the home, please describe the emergency procedure for your support worker to follow. Please consider any special procedures, nearest exits and emergency meeting points.

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* 34. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your home?

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* 35. Safety checklist
By engaging workers in the home environment, it is your responsibility to ensure certain safety requirements. Please tick to acknowledge that:

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* 36. Are there any places, situations or specific irritants that should be avoided?

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* 37. If something were to go wrong in the community, are there any specific emergency instructions for your support worker?

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* 38. What type of transport will you use?

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* 39. If you are using your support worker's car for transport, what is the maximum amount of kilometres you would like to use per support service?

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* 40. Are there any specific risks associated with transport?

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* 41. If something were to go wrong, are there any transport-specific emergency instructions for your support worker?

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* 42. In case of emergency, who should we contact?

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* 43. How will you be paying for services through Support Your Way?

If you are self-managed or plan-managed, we'll send you an invoice with our payment details at the end of each fortnight.

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