Welcome to the CCI Baseline Survey

Thank you in advance for your time and effort in responding to the Baseline survey.

The purpose of the survey is to:
• Create a cohort overview and station profiles that will be shared with cohort participants as part of orientation
• Provide the NFCB staff and Curriculum Advisory Team with guidance for customizing training, discussion topics and station deep dives
• Establish metrics to help track and measure station progress as part of the CCI program

Station profiles will be compiled October through December of 2020 by the CCI Project Manager through a combination of shared documents, survey answers and discussions. You will have an opportunity to review your profile before it is shared with other cohort stations. Any information that you consider confidential can be withheld.

Feel free to provide brief answers to survey questions. Follow up discussions will be scheduled with the NFCB CEO, Sally Kane and CCI Project Manager, Sally Hardy. Additional information, clarifications or any confidential matters can be discussed during these meetings.

The survey has 75 questions and is organized in 5 sections: Overview, Organizational Capacity, Engagement, Content, and Revenue. It can be filled out online via Survey Monkey, or in a Word document.

To get started, we request that you email the following to Sally Hardy, CCI Project Manager, at shardy@nfcb.org:

• Station Bylaws
• Mission Statement
• Station Strategic Plan, if exists
• Coverage Map, if exists
• Current and future fiscal year budget spreadsheets

As part of the Baseline Survey, a financial profile will be created for each station using the last two audited fiscal year financial statements and current budgets. We will work with you to add revenue source detail where relevant.

We are excited to learn more about each of your stations and to use the data to customize approaches and meet your needs!

You can complete the survey over several visits using the same computer and browser.  For your reference, the survey has also been sent to you in Word format. 

CLICK NEXT AT THE BOTTOM OF EACH PAGE TO SAVE YOUR ANSWERS.  Responses don’t automatically save as each question is answered—they are saved page by page as you progress through the survey.  You will be able to edit your answers until the survey is submitted. To submit the survey click on DONE at the bottom of the final page. 

Thank you again for your time and effort!