Thanks for participating in the New Chart Types pilot featuring Sankey and Radial charts. For more information about how to make the most of these new chart types, check out our Tableau Public blog with best practices for Sankey and Radial charts. Help us improve this feature by sharing your feedback.

Note: This feature is available as a pilot. Any vizzes published using this chart type will revert to the Automatic mark type after the pilot period ends on June 30, 2023.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What email address do you use to sign in to Tableau Public? (Optional)

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* 3. What is your region of residence? (optional)

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* 4. What products do you use? Select all that apply.

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* 5. How would you describe your level of experience with Tableau?

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* 6. Tell us how strongly you agree with each of the following statements about how Sankey and Radial charts help you as an author.

  Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree N/A
I see myself creating vizzes using these new chart types
I see value in exploring new data with these new chart types
 I already have use cases where these chart types are needed
 I need Sankey charts for some of my existing work
 I need Radial charts (donut or sunburst) for some of my existing work

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* 7. Tell us how strongly you agree with each of the following statements about how you plan to use Sankey and Radial charts.

  Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree N/A
 I want to use these chart types to help improve interactive consumption of dashboards
I want to use these chart types to prepare static reporting outputs such as images, PowerPoint presentations, or PDFs
 I want to use these chart types to improve the quality of embedded analytics

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* 8. Tell us how strongly you agree with each of the following statements about the impact of Sankey and Radial charts.

  Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree N/A
 Sankey and Radial charts help make insights more engaging for my deployment
 Sankey and Radial charts help others I work with achieve their deliverables
 Sankey and Radial charts help me visualize and share domain-specific insights
 I’m concerned that it will be challenging to educate others on how to best use these new chart types
 I’m concerned that it will be challenging to educate others on differences in functionality when using these new chart types

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* 9. Tell us how strongly you agree with each of the following statements about your experience viewing and interacting with vizzes that were created by others using Sankey or Radial charts.

  Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree N/A
 Sankey charts draw me in visually
 Sankey charts help me clearly see and understand data
 I enjoy exploring Sankey visualizations to discover insights about a topic
 Radial charts draw me in visually
 Radial charts help me clearly see and understand data
I enjoy exploring Radial visualizations to discover insights about a topic

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* 10. Tell us more about your experience with the New Chart Types pilot. (optional)