Please take the short survey below and share your thoughts - it is truly appreciated!

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your relationship with Pretend City?

Question Title

* 2. Since the stay in place and travel restriction orders have been placed, have you interacted with any cultural attractions (museum, zoo, botanical garden, science center, aquarium, etc.) digitally?

Question Title

* 3. How have you interacted with cultural attractions?

Question Title

* 4. Why do you use cultural attraction digital content? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Since the stay in place and travel restriction orders have been placed, have you interacted digitally with Pretend City?

Question Title

* 6. What digital content of ours have you accessed? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. Why haven't you interacted with any of our digital content?

Question Title

* 8. What digital content would you like us to offer?

Question Title

* 9. In 2019, did you visit any of the following?

Question Title

* 10. When stay at home orders and travel restrictions are lifted and cultural attractions reopen, which of the following will you visit in the proceeding 2 months?

Question Title

* 11. In 2019, did you visit Pretend City?

Question Title

* 12. In 2019, approximately how many times did you visit Pretend City?

Question Title

* 13. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being excellent and 1 being poor, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with your last visit to Pretend City?

Question Title

* 14. When do you expect Pretend City to reopen?

Question Title

* 15. When stay at home orders and travel restrictions are lifted and we reopen, how likely are you to visit Pretend City?

  Definitely Probably Do Not Know Probably Not Definitely Not
Within 1 month
Within 3 months
Within 6 months
Within one year

Question Title

* 16. If you are less likely to visit when we reopen, why?

Question Title

* 17. When the stay at home orders and travel restrictions have been lifted and we reopen, how important is it for us to do the following to ensure your visit safety?

  Very important Somewhat important Not at all important
Provide hand sanitizer
Provide gloves
Limit capacity
Enforce 6 foot spacing
Constant cleaning of highly touched areas (handrails, props, doors, credit card machines, etc.)
Staff wear masks
Enforce visitor mask wearing
Provide signage regarding cleaning policy
Provide signage regarding hygiene etiquette
Take guests' temperatures
Touchless ticket purchasing
One-way routing

Question Title

* 18. We, like most organizations, need help. How likely are you to do any of the following to help us while we are closed or when we reopen?

  Definitely Probably Do Not Know Probably Not Definitely Not
Purchase discounted tickets now for future visitation
Join our membership program
Donate unused membership instead of adding an extension
Contribute a small amount to a COVID-19 recovery campaign
Share our social media

Question Title

* 19. If you are a member, how likely are you to renew your membership?

Question Title

* 20. In the next 12 months, how likely are you to support Pretend City via a donation to our annual fund or other fundraiser?

Question Title

* 21. As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, are you unemployed?

Question Title

* 22. What is your gender?

The following questions are anonymous. 

Question Title

* 23. Which of the following statements best describes your feelings about Pretend City Children's Museum?

Question Title

* 24. Do you have children under the age of 18 living in your household?

Question Title

* 25. What is your highest level of education?

Question Title

* 26. In which of the following categories is your annual household income?

Question Title

* 27. Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? (May select more than one)

Question Title

* 28. How likely is it that you would recommend Pretend City to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 29. Enter your email for a chance to win a $100 Target Gift Card