In order to maximise your attendance at the upcoming "Tendering/Etenders Training for Suppliers" could I ask for 10 minutes of your time to answer the below questions.

Rest assured the answers to these questions are completely confidential and will only be used for the purpose of developing an effective session.

Thank you and look forward to meeting you "virtually" on the session,

Regards, Orla Leydon [086 3807802/]

Question Title

* 1. Give a brief outline of the services you offer & hope to offer in response to public contract calls

Question Title

* 2. Are you registered as an Economic Operator [Supplier] on E-tenders? If not, it will be useful to have registered prior to the session so as to be able to work through some of the steps we will go through, to do this follow this link -
It may take up to 24 hours for eTenders to validate your registration

Question Title

* 3. How familiar are you with USING E-tenders to search for contract notices, download tender documents and submit tenders?

Question Title

* 4. Are you currently working on a tender....briefly describe this if relevant.

Question Title

* 5. Name and contact details 

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* 6. Please let me know of any suggestions in terms of additions and/or adjustments to the proposed session content below:
  • Identify where to access public tenders
  • Explore what is included on a typical tender document
  • Examine how to respond to a Typical Tender Document
  • Go through how to use the Etenders system as an Economic Operator i.e., supplier [registration, accessing notices and responding to same]