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The Age Friendly Regina Committee would like your thoughts on the strengths and gaps of age friendliness in your neighbourhood and in the city. An age friendly community is one that provides support for older adults to “age actively” – that is to live in security, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in society.

The answers to the survey will be summarized and shared with the community. All individual responses will be kept confidential. Participants will never be identified individually. This survey should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. For more information on the survey, please contact Tracy Sanden at 306.766.7283 or

Question Title

* 1. Transportation - in my opinion...Check the box that most closely fits with your opinion

  Yes No I don't know
The transit service to shopping, medical services, community centres, religious events, cultural events, and so forth is convenient in Regina.
The bus stops in Regina are convenient; for e.g. location, there is a bench, snow is cleared.
The transportation that is available for individuals with disabilities (e.g., Para Transit) is sufficient in Regina.
Public transportation (including Para Transit) in Regina is affordable for older adults.
There are volunteer drivers or an informal network (neighbour, family, friends) of drivers available for older adults who need transportation in Regina
There are enough parking spaces close to services and stores in Regina.
There are enough “accessible” parking spaces close to services and stores in Regina.
There is affordable formal accessible transportation available in Regina (ex. taxi, private can services)

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* 2. Housing - in my opinion...Check the box that most closely fits with your opinion

  Yes No I don't know
There is enough housing that meets the needs of older adults in Regina.
If I am no longer able to live independently, so I know what my housing options are?
Housing for older adults is affordable in Regina.
There is enough subsidized housing for low-income older adults in Regina.
The waiting times are reasonable to access housing that provides supports to older adults (eg., assisted living, long term care homes, group home, personal care homes).

Question Title

* 3. Safety - In my opinion...check the box that most closely fits with your opinion

  Yes No I don't know
Crime and vandalism are a problem in my neighbourhood.
Older adults feel safe when out and about alone during the day in my neighbourhood.
Older adults feel safe when out and about alone during the night in my neighbourhood.
Street lighting is adequate in my neighbourhood.

Question Title

* 4. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings - In my opinion...check the box that most closely fits with your opinion

  Yes No I don't know
The road signs in Regina are easy to read and large enough for older drivers.
Sidewalks in most or all areas of my neighbourhood are well maintained (even surfaces or paved, not a lot of cracks).
Snow clearing in my neighbourhood is done in a timely manner so walking and driving is safe.
There is enough time to safely cross the streets in Regina.
The public washrooms signage easily viable.
There are enough public washrooms in key areas of Regina.
There are enough accessible public washrooms in Regina.
Most or all businesses and public buildings in Regina are easily accessible to everybody (e.g., have wheelchair ramps, automatic doors).
There are walkways linking residences and essential services in most or all areas of my neighbourhood.

Question Title

* 5. Respect and Social Inclusion - In my opinion...check the box that most closely fits with your opinion

  Yes No I don't know
Older adults in Regina are generally treated with respect.
Community engagement and planning processes in Regina include older adults.

Question Title

* 6. Information/Advocacy - In my opinion...check the box that most closely fits with your opinion

Information/Advocacy - In my opinion...

  Yes No I don't know
Public service telephone menus or automated answering services are easy to use.
There is enough assistance available for completing official forms (e.g., help with filling out government or income tax forms).
There are enough older adults advocacy services available in Regina (e.g., an ombudsman to inform others of seniors’needs).
I am able to access information abut events, programs and services in Regina

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* 7. How do you currently hear about services or events in your community?

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* 8. How would you like to hear about services or events in your community?

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* 9. Community/Work Force Participation - In my opinion...check the box that most closely fits with your opinion

  yes no I don't know
There are enough volunteer opportunities for older adults in Regina.
There are enough paid job opportunities for older adults in Regina that accommodate the needs of older adults (e.g., part-time work is available)

Question Title

* 10. Social Participation/Recreation - In my opinion...check the box that most closely fits with your opinion

  yes no I don't know
My neighbourhood has enough pleasant places for walking (e.g., walking trails, parks, well-treed streets).
Local parks or walking trails in my neighbourhood are accessible and easy to use for older adults (e.g., paths with even surfaces).
There are enough resting areas with benches along paths or trails in my neighbourhood.
There are enough exercise opportunities specifically for older adults in Regina.
There are enough recreation programs specifically for older adults in Regina (e.g., card games, arts, crafts).
There are enough lifelong learning programs specifically for older adults in Regina (e.g., learning new things such as the use of computers).
There are enough events or programs in Regina that bring people of all age's together.(e.g., school reading programs, children spending time with seniors).
Recreational activities, such as exercise and other recreational programs, are generally affordable for older adults in Regina.
Isolated older adults (e.g., those who don’t have anybody) are contacted, visited or taken to activities in Regina or are able to access opportunities from their home.

Question Title

* 11. Health and Community Services - In my opinion...check the box that most closely fits with your opinion

  yes no I don't know
Are you able to see a physician or nurse practitioner when needed?
The services that help older adults around the home (e.g., snow removal, lawn care, garbage brought to the street) are sufficient in Regina.
The meal programs available (e.g. lunch at a recreation or senior centre) are sufficient in Regina.
The meal delivery services that bring meals to older adults' homes are sufficient in Regina.
When sad, lonely, depressed or anxious, there is a place for me to go for help or someone to talk to.
Worry about falling affects my ability to participate in activities of daily living?
Lab services are accessible when I need them.

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* 12. Considering the age friendly aspects listed in this survey:
What does Regina do well?

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* 13. What would be your top priorities? Choose 3.

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* 14. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

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* 15. Which neighbourhood do you live in?

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* 16. Which of the following best describes you?  Please check as many as apply

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* 17. I fall under the following age category:

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