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* 1. Name (First name and Surname please. Optional, though we need if want to enter prize draw!)

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* 2. Postcode

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* 3. What do you identify as your gender?

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* 4. How young are you?

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* 5. Which category best describes you?

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* 6. Are you a WAM Member?

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* 7. Do you identify yourself as having any of the following?

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* 8. Have you attended WAM Festival prior to this year?

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* 9. On average, how often do you see live original music?

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* 10. Do you regularly attend or participate in events in any of the following categories?

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* 11. WAMFest 2016 was presented by Drug Aware. What most accurately describes your opinion of this partnership?

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* 12. Did you attend this year's WAMFest presented by Drug Aware?