8% of survey complete.
What is SWWADA? – The Southwest Washington Disability Alliance is a newly convened cohort of organizations, self advocates, families, agencies, support groups and businesses within Southwest Washington and the Portland Metro area dedicated to promoting positive health outcomes and improving education for individuals living with disabilities.

We have developed an introductory online survey to allow community members to share their voice and opinion regarding disability services and supports in our community. Personally identifying information that you share in this survey will remain confidential and not shared outside SWWADA.

To view a list of the current supporting members of the Southwest Washington Disability Alliance, please visit www.swwada.org.

Question Title

* 1. Voluntary Participation

Participation in this research is completely voluntary. By electing to complete the survey using the link below, I confirm my desire to participate. I understand that if any questions make me feel uncomfortable, I can decline to answer those questions. Furthermore, I do not expect to receive any financial incentive for participating.

I understand and agree to participation.