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* 1. How worried are you about the impact of coronavirus on your personally?

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* 2. How worried are you about the impact of coronavirus on the business/organisation you work for?

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* 3. How easy or difficult is it for you to work effectively these days?

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* 4. What are the top three biggest challenges you are currently facing?

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* 5. Thinking about the communication and service provided by the TFFPN, is it something you find valuable?

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* 6. What is your single greatest work-related concern right now?

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* 7. What is your single greatest non-work related concern right now?

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* 8. What information would you like to see TFFPN provide?

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* 9. Is there anything additional you would like TFFPN to provide to you in relation to Coronavirus?

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* 10. Any additional comments?