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The purpose of this survey is to explore uptake of the Queensland Health funded COVID-19 initiative, known as palliPHARM, amongst Queensland pharmacists. palliPHARM commenced in July 2020, and has developed many resources to raise awareness of, and improve practices related to, palliative care and the stocking of medicines suitable for end-of-life symptom management.

Your completion of the survey will help evaluate palliPHARM and inform future palliative care initiatives. Your participation is completely voluntary, and your responses will be anonymous. Your consent to be part of this survey will be evidenced by your submission of the survey.

The survey will take less than five minutes to complete. Thank you, in anticipation, for your time.

The survey has been designed by Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative (BSPCC), Metro South Health in conjunction with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), Queensland Branch. While PSA will distribute the survey, only BSPCC will receive survey data and only aggregated data will be used in any reporting of results.
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