UNC Asheville, UNC Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health, and MAHEC are interested in better understanding regional interest in a two year Master's degree in Public Health (MPH) in western NC.  This survey is being conducted as part of the background research to demonstrate need and interest in a MPH program located in western NC.  This survey is intended to reach local public health departments, hospital system employees, undergraduates, community health organizations, MAHEC medical students and residents, as well as other individuals potentially interested in a MPH degree. We appreciate your honest answers.
This survey should take 5 minutes or less.

Question Title

* 1. With which organization (or type of organization) are you associated?
[select only one]

Question Title

* 2. If a joint, 2-year MPH degree were offered in western NC by UNC Asheville and UNC Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health, and which offered face-to-face classroom learning experiences, teaching from experts in the field, and flexibility to continue working (if applicable to you), how interested would you be in getting an MPH in the next 6 years?
[select only one]