August 3 - 6, 2023


Opportunities for Law in Oregon (OLIO) is part of the Oregon State Bar’s recruitment and retention program. Its focus is for law students who:

·         Can contribute to the bar’s historically or currently underrepresented membership;

·         Have experienced economic, social, or other barriers;

·         Have personally experienced discrimination or oppression; or

·         Can otherwise demonstrate a commitment to advancing the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Department’s mission.

The D&I Department serves the OSB’s mission by striving to increase the diversity of the Oregon bench and bar to reflect the diversity of the people of Oregon, by educating attorneys about the cultural richness and diversity of the clients they serve, and by removing barriers to justice.

OLIO Orientation traditionally brings together law students and members of Oregon’s legal community to share, inspire, and empower.  For this year, the D&I Department presents an in-person OLIO program that is inclusive and supportive of intersectionality and intended to provide a collaborative environment for attendees to connect with other diverse Oregon law students and legal professionals and foster allyship across communities.

Geared toward first-year law students, OLIO will be a multi-day event that provides a diverse group of Oregon’s 1Ls with the opportunity to interact with each other as well as with upper division students, attorneys, judges, and affinity bar leaders who will serve as their mentors and role models. In addition to creating and fostering these relationships, OLIO will include sessions to engage students in dialogue about impactful issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion that will build skills for success in law school and beyond.  These sessions include topics on how to interrupt racism, building a professional community as a minority, and mental health awareness for underrepresented students.

There is no charge to attend OLIO but law student participation is limited to 50. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. In addition to first-year law students, a number of spots will be reserved for upper division law students (aka “THUDS,” or The Helpful Upper Division Students). Upper division students who are committed to the OLIO program objectives and the D&I Department mission are invited to apply to be student mentors and actively engage in the workshops and activities. Historically, THUDS often continue their mentor relationships with 1Ls throughout the academic year.

OLIO will be a new experience for THUDS, attorneys, judges and most importantly to the incoming 1Ls. The program is designed to motivate and encourage participant to engage with one another in a new and unique way  that fosters community and continued support throughout the law school experience.
12% of survey complete.