Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey, it should take you about 10 minutes to complete.  Our goal is to identify pain points and knowledge gaps in tunnels and other protected structures in order to determine where outreach and support might help the industry move forward and how we might serve you better. The mission of Perennia is to help farmers, fishers, and food processors be prosperous and profitable.

All data will be amalgamated, no private information will be shared.

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* 2. How many total acres do you have in production on your farm?

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* 3. What is the area that you have in tunnels/protected production?  Please be sure to include units!

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* 4. Please rank the following crops in terms of biggest revenue generation in your protected structure(s).

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* 5. If you selected "Other" in response to the question above, please list what other crops you grow under cover.

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* 6. What are your main concerns with your crop?

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* 7. Please select all that apply: Are you

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* 8. In your protected structure(s), are you growing in

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* 9. Do you supplement the fertility in your tunnel/protected structure throughout the season?

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* 10. How many years have you been managing the fertility in your protected structure(s)?

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* 11. Do you feel you are meeting the nutrient needs of your crop?

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* 12. Are you happy with the YIELD of your crop grown under cover?

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* 13. Are you happy with the QUALITY of your crop grown under cover?

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* 14. Do you use the NSDA lab for analysis?  Please select all that apply.

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* 17. Please rank your biggest pain points.

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* 18. What would you like to learn more about?

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* 19. What is your gross farm income?

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* 20. Approximately what percentage of your farm income comes from your tunnels or other protected structures?

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* 21. If you would like to share your name, farm name, and email address, please enter it here.