Question Title

* 2. To what extent do you agree with the following statements. I feel my students:

  1-Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree
Are responsible and accountable for their own learning in the Simulated Workplace.
Are active participants in their learning.
Use the business processes learned as part of the Simulated Workplace within the program.
Make connections between your Simulated Workplace instruction and the real world.

Question Title

* 3. How comfortable are you with:

  1-Very Uncomfortable 2-Uncomfortable 3-Neutral 4-Comfortable 5-Very Comfortable
Flipping your classroom so that it is student led.
Stepping out of your comfort zone.
The rate of change taking place in WVDE CTE

Question Title

* 4. Rate the level of:

  1-Very Low 2-Low 3-Neutral 4-High 5-Very High
Effective collaboration between instructors and administrators within your Simulated Workplace implementation that leads to high quality student engagement.
Effective collaboration among instructors within the Simulated Workplace that leads to high quality student engagement.
Attitudes of the instructors and other staff within your school as they pertain to Simulated Workplace implementation.
School leadership in sharing responsibilities with instructors to achieve implementation of a school-wide Simulated Workplace culture.
How you feel your voice is heard in decisions related to the implementation of Simulated Workplace within your school.
Ability to identify necessary actions to solve Simulated Workplace challenges you and your colleagues face within your school.
Opportunities you are given to share your expertise in creating and meeting action plans for your Simulated Workplace implementation.
Effective structures within your schedule to provide time for all instructors to work together implementing the Simulated Workplace protocols.

Question Title

* 5. How would you rate:

  1-Very Low 2-Low 3-Neutral 4-High 5-Very High
Your communication with colleagues about Simulated Workplace.
The trust between instructor and students within Simulated Workplace.
The trust between the instructors within your school.
The trust between instructors and administrators at your school.
Your workplace culture.